R#135 with Bernd Wilbert, co-founder WE - Live Agency & Sounds in Vinyl

Bernd Wilbert

How to set up a new vinyl pressing plant.

Bernd Wilbert has been active in the concert business for a long time with the WE - Live Agency and books hard rock and metal acts such as Dream Theater, Uriah Heep and Accept.

Due to the forced break from 2020, the vinyl fan decided to set up a record pressing plant. A complex undertaking, he had to laboriously gather the necessary know-how.

In the Redfield Podcast, Wilbert reports how he was able to put his plans into action within many months and can offer an annual capacity of two million records with Sounds in Vinyl. He also provides insights into the manufacturing processes and why modern, new Pheenix Alpha AD12 presses are used.

The investment in Münsterland is considerable, with Amir Glasche from Dark Ages Gothicshop and Luuk van Gestel and Luc Favié from Doomstar Bookings acting as additional partners.
