R#113 with Axel Ballreich, co-founder of Concertbüro Franken and first chairman of the LiveMusic Commission

Axel Ballreih

Almost 40 years of concerts, festivals and tours and what it's like to deal with the current and future live situation.

Axel Ballreich founded the Concertbüro Franken in Nuremberg almost 40 years ago together with Peter Harasim. The qualified sociologist organized his first concerts after school, and starting his own company was the logical step. The duo hired their first employees and hosted many well-known acts, such as Miles Davis, Konstantin Wecker and BAP.

When the company ran into financial difficulties in 1989, an extraordinary idea brought the Franken Concert Office back into the black: the Moscow State Circus performed in southern Germany, of course organized by Ballreich and Harasim.

In addition to tour booking, the company also acquired additional assets such as the Hirsch music club and later the Löwensaal as well as Gutmann's own venues.

In the Redfield Podcast, Ballreich reports on the company's beginnings, how it grew organically and the importance of its own clubs for the concert office. He also explains to host Alexander Schröder how the numerous festivals are designed, some of them in unusual locations.

Axel Ballreich is also a founding member and first chairman of the Federal Association of Music Venues LiveMusikKommission, the largest association in the German music industry. In its tenth year of existence, there is a lot to do. He reports on the support measures that have helped the clubs so far, but also criticizes the lack of planning security for autumn and next year.

After LiveKomm sent an appeal to the federal government in February, those responsible continue to complain about a lack of contact persons and unclear facts regarding openings and restrictions. Axel Ballreich tells us what he wants and what expectations he has of politics in the latest Redfield Podcast.
