#22 with Elina Hage, founder of Artifier Management

Elina Hage

From the oldest classical label in the world to “Neue Meister” and its own management.
While the Redfield Podcast is mainly about rock and indie music with all its loud and quiet facets, host Alexander Schröder ventures into the classical music industry in this episode.

Elina Hage became enthusiastic about the piano at an early age, studied at the University of Music and Theater in Hamburg and started her first real job in the music industry at the legendary record company Deutsche Grammophon, which was founded in Hanover in 1898 and is continued by Universal.
Hage later moved to the “Neue Meister” label and now works as A&R manager for the platform that Edel launched in 2016 for contemporary music.
After recognizing a great need in the market, Elina Hage also founded Artifier Management in Berlin in 2019 and supports contemporary artists such as Kai Schumacher, Anna Luca and more.

In the Redfield Podcast, Elina explains how, as an A&R manager, she discovers new and promising artists, what trends are currently emerging in contemporary music and which channels are preferred. She talks to Alexander Schröder about whether classical artists sell merchandise and what the venue and booking situation as well as the label landscape in Germany is in general.
Together they shed light on the special requirements regarding promotion and constantly changing music media, budgeting, mood playlists, Instagram and an online landscape for classical music.
