R#87 with Christoph Riebenbauer, founder of BRANDxCULTURE RIEBENBAUER

Christoph Riebenbauer

From DIY punk rock musician to Head of Global Music Marketing at the Red Bull Group.

Christoph Riebenbauer is a marketing expert and culture enthusiast with a creative background. The Austrian toured extensively at home and abroad with his punk band “Red Lights Flash” for almost ten years and based on these experiences founded his own music management and consulting agency.

In recent years he has held a number of positions at Red Bull, worked intensively with musicians for the brand and, among other things, was responsible for Red Bull's worldwide music marketing program as Head of Global Music Marketing.

In the Redfield Podcast, Riebenbauer talks about his career in the music industry and explains why he decided to work in the group; but also why he has now become self-employed again with BRANDxCULTURE Riebenbauer.

He explains what is so important about brand collaborations and how brands and artists alike can emerge stronger from such a relationship. At the same time, he talks about the challenges inherent in such an approach and reports on his view of the currently popular marketing channels.


(Photo: Matthias Heschl)