R#100 with Kai Rostock, founder of Redfield Records

Kai Rostock and Alexander Schröder

The anniversary episode after two and a half years of Redfield Podcast - the German-language format about the music business, the creative network around it and everything that inspires us.

Kai Rostock is the founder of Redfield Records and worked at JKP in Düsseldorf for several years. Founded in 2001 in the orbit of the German emocore scene, the after-work business of an active scene band soon developed into a company with more and more releases and ever bigger ideas.

In a conversation with the current owner and host Alexander Schröder, the two look back on over twenty years of friendship and entrepreneurship. While Rostock changed industries and now runs its own family business in Redfield's hometown of Haan-Gruiten, Schröder now runs Redfield in its current form from Melle in Lower Saxony.

Together they talk about the beginnings, the first big deals and what milestones and flops they had to overcome together. The first digital distributor before Spotify & Co, the first time in the charts or how they put everything on one card shortly before bankruptcy.

How long will you still be a label and how will you distribute music in the future are other future topics that the two of them are also dealing with.