OF COLORS for the Win with 'I Lose After All'

OF COLORS tease their new material with another epic banger called 'I Lose After All'. The track is an emotional tour de force that unites the voices of singer Jan and guitarist Alex.

Shortly after the release of the last double single 'Brand New Past / Fearless' Jan published a strong and encouraging statement via the band's social media channels about being transgender and how this, of course, has influenced OF COLORS' upcoming music. Before that Jan had already stated: "We are so much more than the identity that our environment is inflicting on us and the expectations that come along with it. Finding out all that was the best thing that could ever happen to me and the act of liberation that really saved me."

Follow OF COLORS for more new music and updates - check out their merch line as well! https://redfield-records.com/pages/ofcolours