THE DISASTER AREA Presents a New Outfit with 'We All Will Lose'


It was still quite early in 2021 – or right at the beginning of the second pandemic year, you could say – when THE DISASTER AREA put out their third long-player 'Glasshearts'. The moment had just come to make the situation in which the band and their fans had been stuck, more bearable. The plan worked out: The songs and the buzz around the release inspired both sides that the album hasn't only gained almost five million streams to the day, it also spectacularly entered the Top 100 of the official German album charts (#80) – a sensational success for young German metalcore band.

“In the end we all will lose”

“'We All Will Lose' is about the significance of going your own way, to swim against the stream of the norm and also about the conflicts that rise up if you surrender to the pressure from outside and live a life that feels wrong or fake ", guitarist Alex Kisslinger explains the topic of the new, second single that THE DISASTER AREA release in 2022. "In the end it's like we're losing our value if we don't allow each other being the way we are." A major topic that everyone is confronted with and that is continually gaining importance. Especially in a time where it's hard to keep track of your very own way, THE DISASTER AREA wants to encourage their listeners to be self-confident. Guitarist Franz Apfelbeck adds: “While fighting with influences from the outside you might feel lost sometimes but there's nothing more important make yourself aware that there's no exclusive interpretation of what's being normal.”

Musically the new material is continuing the musical concept of 'Glasshearts'. “Although we even tried more to listen to what the song really needs,” singer Alex Maidl explains. “The content of the track showed us a lot of dynamics and contrasts and so we followed these instructions.” Alex Kisslinger opens up about another, more surprising approach: “We were actually taking ourselves as a role model when wrote the new song, as funny as it might sound. We once again listened to 'Glasshearts' closely and thought about what really defines the sound of THE DISASTER AREA. Becoming clear about that was essential for us.” Like 'Glasshearts', also 'We All Will Lose' was produced by Noah Sebastian of BAD OMENS. THE DISASTER AREA work closely with him when it comes to the song-writing as well. The mix was done by Henrik Udd this time, who is also working with ARCHITECTS, BRING ME THE HORIZON and IMMINENCE among others.

What else is there to expect from THE DISASTER AREA in 2022, apart from releasing new music? If it is up to drummer Chris Zillinger, there's especially one thing: “Finally get back out there again and do what we're living for. It sounds cheesy but after two years without a real tour we kind of relearned what's really defining our personalities. We live to play shows, meet you all out there and learn about your stories and just follow our passion.”