ALEX MOFA GANG: No giving up in the fight against the right
Since the shift to the left predicted by many sides has only taken place in a few election campaign speeches and it is much more the case that phenomena of the past will once again become part of our everyday life after the federal election, it is time for the ALEX MOFA GANG to take a stand against itagain Available on the right.
However, in the emotional track "No Land in Sight" the band examines the topic from a very personal perspective, because it's not just about collective resistance to xenophobia, it's also about our own overwhelm in the face of violence, which is a lot for us too often robs you of the strength and courage to show decisive initiative.
Singer Sascha formulated the topic in a statement about the song:
“The topic of violence - right-wing violence or politically fanatically motivated violence - is not new, but it is very present. Especially in this time when our society is threatened with division, when opinions and opinions are spread digitally, when algorithms form opinion bubbles, when facts and alternative facts lead to extreme points of view, when there has long been little personal discourse and a lot of social isolation It was fundamentally important for the ALEX MOFA GANG to take a stand, to position themselves clearly and to publicly represent points of view. For social coexistence, for objective debate, against hatred and violence - no matter against whom, for respectful, peaceful coexistence.
But sometimes there is also a desperate look at the world and the news. Looking at the deeds and crimes that you can neither emotionally understand nor grasp. It is precisely this perplexed moment that is illustrated very personally, both musically and lyrically, in “No Land in Sight”. The moment when you feel the failure of your own values and ideas, when resignation takes over because you can't find a solution.
Of course it's not about giving up - we take a breath and keep going. In the firm belief that the vast majority of people go through life with the same longing for peace and love.
Land is in sight again! Peaceful, together, loud & colorful." - Sascha Hörold, ALEX MOFA GANG